Fleet telematics is key to achieving sustainability objectives!
Using fleet telematics technology, you can increase your fleet's efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. Here's what you need to know.

Global businesses are facing more pressure than ever to publish environmental data alongside financial data in their annual reports, thanks to increased pressure from shareholders, suppliers, and customers demanding greater transparency and accountability about their environmental impact. This development is being driven by shareholders, suppliers, and customers demanding more transparency and accountability about their daily operations' environmental impact. Sustainable business practices can enhance customer and stakeholder trust, retain employees, boost brand awareness, enhance community relations and partnerships, and motivate new and novel technologies by attracting and keeping employees.

According to the Global Energy Review 2021, CO2 emissions will grow as the demand for coal, oil, and gas rebounds post-Covid. According to the Global Energy Review 2021, CO2 emissions have reached their highest-ever average annual concentration in the atmosphere, which has risen by 50% since the industrial revolution began. These numbers make it clear that we need to dramatically cut the number of carbon emissions generated by commercial vehicles in the streets, particularly buses.

A fleet's long-term viability is measured by the triple bottom line, which considers profit, the environment, and people—in other words, sustainable fleet management. A corporation's commitment to environmental responsibility and its effect on society is measured by the triple bottom line (TBL). Keeping track of your company's financial, environmental, and social performance over time allows you to account for the total cost of doing business. Balancing business difficulties for the best possible monetary and ethical results is possible when you do this. You should strive to meet current consumer needs while ensuring future generations can meet theirs as well.

Creating a sustainable fleet management approach can help reduce operational costs and produce greener fleets. By using less fuel and resources to finish routes, your company can save on fuel expenses, vehicle downtime, wear and tear, and repairs. Protecting your valuable resources and the environment is the most effective method of safeguarding them. Reducing fuel consumption is the most effective method of preserving our natural resources and maintaining the environment. To help your company reach its environmental goals, lowering CO2 and NOX emissions is the best approach.

Fleet operators have put sustainability on the back burner in their drive for profitability, but not anymore. Because of government-driven sustainability policies, the transport and logistics sector has been pressured to meet sustainability targets or face consequences. Along with other developing nations, South Africa is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Under unmitigated GHG emissions scenarios, significant warming of up to 5 – 8°C is projected over the interior of the country of up to 5 – 8°C by the end of this century (DEA, 2013) Around the world, new laws governing corporate social and environmental responsibility are being implemented. The South African government has recently completed its Green Transport Strategy (GTS), for the 2018 – 2050 period (DoT, 2018). The GTS provides the strategic way forward for the transport sector regarding the reduction of GHG emissions, the contribution of transport into the green economy and the promotion of sustainable mobility. The Strategy aims to reduce the transport sector greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5%.

How do fleet operators begin the process of developing a sustainable fleet management approach?

Assess current performance for your fleet

It's only once you have a comprehensive understanding of your fleet's current operations and costs, as well as business guidelines and processes, that fleet sustainability can be achieved. The Pace Tracking system, for example, provides fleet operators with complete access to vehicle and driver data, allowing them to maximise returns. Using the data to create an inventory may help you identify those activities that are currently being performed and those that might result in new investment and improvement.

Defining business requirements and priorities

The Pace Tracking Productivity Tool™ is a telematics solution that allows fleet managers to pinpoint areas where critical improvements must be made by identifying inefficiencies that are slowing down operations and costing money. By identifying where manageable inefficiencies are slowing down operations and wasting money, you can take control of areas where critical improvements are required. This solution allows fleet managers to perform a full diagnostic evaluation of their fleet's operational performance and identify immediate areas to reduce carbon emissions by reducing vehicle travel to business only and limiting after hours travel as much as possible. 

Determine how to improve upon current performance

The Pace Tracking specialist support team can propose from a wide range of telematics hardware and platforms, which can assist you in deciding which fleet operations or systems might be improved to increase your profits. Managing fleet productivity and not merely driver behaviour ensures only business related and authorised trips are being undertaken and exceptions flagged for immediate intervention. 

Our Pace Tracking analyst assists customers leveraging the power of AI-driven reporting platforms to gain insights easily missed in normal analysis. 

Obtain corporate backing

Because everyone within your company should consider sustainability a priority, developing a business case to communicate to personnel, stakeholders, shareholders, and partners that an operational audit can assist the fleet and company achieve green goals and boost profits in general is imperative. Your company's fuel consumption should be your priority, as doing so reduces company expenses as well as helps you achieve your sustainability goals. The following KPIs should be addressed in your business case:

Driver Policy

Ensure a robust, fair, and managed driver policy is implemented with clear operating procedures, consequences, and incentives. The policy needs to address the thorny issue of reasonable private usage with limitations and cost recovery, financial consequences, and incentives for poor and good driving behaviour. The policy needs complete buy in from senior management and agreement on the objectives of the policy and how it will be implemented and enforced. 

Fleet telematics technology such as Pace Tracking™ can assist greatly in making your fleet more environmentally friendly. Incentivizing drivers to stay on the road, gamifying any extra training required, and holding drivers accountable for inefficient or unsafe driving when Pace Tracking and Pace Tracking Tracking are used, will positively impact your fleet's productivity, profit, and sustainability. 

Monitoring and review are done at the stage of ongoing.

A company's sustainability targets can be achieved by monitoring and reviewing them regularly. Fleet managers can keep track of fleet productivity, utilisation, fuel costs, and other metrics through fleet telematics technology. A fleet's performance and sustainability rely on the worst driver. Using dash cams like Pace Vision AI and GPS Tracking technology, fleet managers can gain a bird's-eye view of the fleet. By observing fleet operations, fleet managers can prevent dangerous and poor driver behaviour, which negatively impacts the fleet's sustainability. In addition, fleet operators and managers can collaborate with Pace Telematics to develop a programme that will help them achieve all their green objectives. 

To discover which of our cutting-edge fleet telematics systems can best increase the sustainability of your fleet, please contact us today.

Pace Tracking telematics technology is the best in breed and has been shown to help companies reduce their carbon emissions. Employees can substantially reduce their carbon footprint by driving more safely, efficiently, and optimising fuel usage, thanks to our technology. 

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